Big Five design and make wont cut

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Big Five design and make wont cut

Post by dakotablue »

I just got the Big Five design and make but cant get anything to run properly. I use a home built cnc . I use a Masso processor. Im trying to cut the African Topo map but the router doesn't turn on automatically like it does normally does? Vcarve cuts properly . Can anyone help me with this? Thanks, Gary

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Re: Big Five design and make wont cut

Post by Adrian »

What program are you using? Sounds like it's not VCarve if you're saying VCarve works correctly.

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Re: Big Five design and make wont cut

Post by MiloScott »

Will the program even start? Or is the first indication that the spindle won't start, which is the start of the program...? Some controllers can't handle the large size of the gcode files that a Topo map requires. Some Topo maps can easily exceed a million lines of code. Might try putting a vector rectangle around a smaller portion of the map and cut to the limits of the vector. I would be looking for the problem in the machine/control software rather than the design software.

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Re: Big Five design and make wont cut

Post by dakotablue »

I Use Vcarve Pro v 12. I also downloaded Design and Make. Design and Make is my problem. I bought Africas Big Five. Ive used it before and all was fine. If I save a model and load it, all is fine except some models wont start the router motor. It moves like its going to cut the model but it thats hard to do without the router running. Ive emailed D & M four times but I haven't heard back from. I save the model to a thumb drive that plugs in the Masso controller. Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: Big Five design and make wont cut

Post by MiloScott »

dakotablue wrote:
Fri May 31, 2024 9:06 pm
I Use Vcarve Pro v 12. I also downloaded Design and Make. Design and Make is my problem. I bought Africas Big Five. Ive used it before and all was fine. If I save a model and load it, all is fine except some models wont start the router motor. It moves like its going to cut the model but it thats hard to do without the router running. Ive emailed D & M four times but I haven't heard back from. I save the model to a thumb drive that plugs in the Masso controller. Any help would be appreciated.
The 3D model from Design and Make doesn't contain any gcode... it is just a model. There is nothing in the model that can control anything on the CNC. You import the 3D model into Vcarve, create the toolpath with a specific tool, set the Feed/Speed, then create the gcode, which is where code to start the spindle would be located, assuming your controller can control the spindle through software. You stated other files work, which indicates you are using a compatible Post Processor and Vcarve is working properly.

As suggested before, try a smaller section of the image, which will create a smaller file, then try to run that.

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Re: Big Five design and make wont cut

Post by Adrian »

dakotablue wrote:
Fri May 31, 2024 9:06 pm
I Use Vcarve Pro v 12. I also downloaded Design and Make. Design and Make is my problem.
Do you mean you downloaded the Design and Make Machinist software and that's what is not working?

If you have VCarve there is no need to use that software. VCarve does everything it does and more. Just import the model you want to cut into VCarve and toolpath it with the 3D roughing and finishing toolpaths.

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Re: Big Five design and make wont cut

Post by dakotablue »

Many Thanks to everyone...I did not know the models didn't generate their own g.code. Now I understand why the router didn't turn on or off by itself or that i could import the model into v carve straight away. Thanks, again...

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