Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

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Re: Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

Post by Rcnewcomb »

A lot depends on the 3rd party nesting software.
With some packages you would:
  • export your vectors from your design program
  • import into the nesting software
  • nest
  • export the nested vectors from the nesting software
  • import into the design program
  • create & save toolpaths
With other 3rd party nesting packages they would handle the toolpath creation as well, so there would be no need to reimport into the design program.

As was mentioned earlier in this thread, Vectric licenses a nesting library from a 3rd party. They opted for a package that was easy to use and affordable. Some nesting packages cost more than any of the Vectric products, but if you are machining parts out of very expensive material, or need to reduce cut times to an absolute minimum then it may be worth the extra expense.
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Re: Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

Post by adze_cnc »

Selection of options within the nesting screen can also affect things.
  • Sometimes choosing to nest along X is better than along Y (or vice versa).
  • Setting a border gap to 0 can often produce a result which when you center the resulting vectors in the material gives similar if not better border gaps.
  • Changing the Clearance slightly can also affect things is there are multiple objects in one axis (e.g. changing from 0.075 to 0.065).

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Re: Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

Post by mpoole32 »

@thomas_L I use Sketchup with the Cabmaker plugin to do design in SketchUp and then use the plugin companion program CutMaster to create machining dxf geometry. CutMaster does nested optimization including writing out optimized panel dxfs. I had a gadget written that handles sheet sizing and the orderly import of sheet dxfs into Vcarve.

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Re: Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

Post by Thomas_L »

mpoole32 wrote:
Sat Jan 06, 2024 10:23 pm
@thomas_L I use Sketchup with the Cabmaker plugin to do design in SketchUp and then use the plugin companion program CutMaster to create machining dxf geometry. CutMaster does nested optimization including writing out optimized panel dxfs. I had a gadget written that handles sheet sizing and the orderly import of sheet dxfs into Vcarve.

Thanks for your reply: it seems a great software but I`m already set up with cabinet sense. Meaning it`s not worth changing my system just for the nesting. Thanks anyways. sorry for my late reply

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Re: Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

Post by Rcnewcomb »

There is an open source nesting program (free) that might be worth looking into: DeepNest
It is particularly suited for laser work, but should work with router CNC as well.

From their web page:
Automatic line merging
Deepnest packs your parts into a compact area to save material and time. It automatically merges common lines so the laser doesn't cut the same path twice.

This not only saves time but improves part quality by avoiding heat warping from multiple laser passes.

A robust nesting engine
Deepnest employs a state of the art part layout engine with part-in-part placement and the ability to nest bitmap images for laser engraving
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Re: Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

Post by TReischl »

Rcnewcomb wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:14 pm
There is an open source nesting program (free) that might be worth looking into: DeepNest
It is particularly suited for laser work, but should work with router CNC as well.
That is definitely a decent nesting engine. I have been using it for my laser work since "the other software" does not include nesting and it sure is handy on a laser. It will accept SVG, CDR and DXF file types. It is smart enough to separate parts that are in the same file. The only odd thing I have noticed is that there does not seem to be a "do NOT put parts in parts" option. Weird.

Randall, I did not see anything on the website or in the program that allows bitmaps to be imported? Ok, I see it on the website, but darned if I can find it in the program!
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Re: Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

Post by TReischl »

Thomas_L wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:07 pm
Been playing around with the DeepNest stuff, from what I can see it should work for your needs. Heck, it is free, so you can give it a try and if it not for you, no loss.
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Re: Nesting!! Can we do something about it?

Post by Thomas_L »

TReischl wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:25 pm
Rcnewcomb wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:14 pm
There is an open source nesting program (free) that might be worth looking into: DeepNest
It is particularly suited for laser work, but should work with router CNC as well.
That is definitely a decent nesting engine. I have been using it for my laser work since "the other software" does not include nesting and it sure is handy on a laser. It will accept SVG, CDR and DXF file types. It is smart enough to separate parts that are in the same file. The only odd thing I have noticed is that there does not seem to be a "do NOT put parts in parts" option. Weird.

Randall, I did not see anything on the website or in the program that allows bitmaps to be imported? Ok, I see it on the website, but darned if I can find it in the program!
Great I will check it out

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