Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by StefanK »

10.5 is not the problem. It works fine in 10.5 ;-) Perhaps the instructions are not explicit enough. Change/rename only the suffix of the file name; that is, change ".zip" to ".vgadget". Once you've done this the file icon should change to the gadget icon. Remember where/in which folder it is saved. Open Aspire and open the gadget menu. Select install gadget and then browse to the folder where the .vgadget file is stored. Select or double click the .vgadget file and Aspire will install it. It will then show up in the gadget menu.


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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by jTr »

Thanks for the reply. I completely understand the instructions. However...
When downloading is in progress, it shows as a .zip extension. Upon completion, it simply reads Fret_Board_Maker - no shown extension when opened in Downloads folder. So, I add ".vgadget" extension and try anyway. Open Aspire, select "Install New Gadget" and click to open from downloads folder. Double click the renamed folder Fret_Board_Maker.vgadget to open, and it simply opens that folder (rather than loading), showing no contents (Aspire does not see any contents, as it's looking for Vectric Gadget Package Files, which the folder does not contain). Don't know why it disregards the renamed file, only opens it.
Okay, let's take a closer look.
When opened outside of Aspire, folder contains: another folder labeled Fret_Board_Maker (no extension, right click, no option to rename), LUA file, License, and sample JPG.
Upon opening that folder (Fret_Board_Maker again, no .zip extension and no ability to rename) I find Fretboard_Parameters3D, a Chrome HTML document which I can open outside of Aspire and the calculator appears, and is functional. Is it the Chrome HTML document that needs to be renamed, since it does not work on the zip file it is contained in? (doubt it, but I'm flailing at this point).
Sorry to be a pain - this just is not making any sense at all, since there is no ".zip" extension once the folder is sitting in the Downloads folder. Only indication of it being a zip file is the zipper on the folder's icon. I've downloaded numerous times in case of corruption during downloading.

Any other suggestions?
(other than give it up, I'm beyond help... :oops: ,)
FWIW, Windows 10

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by Adrian »

If you're seeing a folder named Fret_Board_Maker that means you've opened the zip file (probably by double clicking) and are now looking at the contents which is a folder called Fret_Board_Maker.

Go up a level and you'll see a file named that's what you need to rename.

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by StefanK »

Adrian is correct that if you see the files you have opened the zip file.

If you don't see the .zip suffix/extension in your download folder, another possibilty is the Windows Explorer (file browser) is hiding the suffix/extension of the files. This is one of the view setting for folders. Windows defaults to hide file extensions. To see them you need to set it to show them.

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by jTr »

Okay - finally got it. Thought "details" would display extension. No dice. Found the "show/hide" area in view tab of file explorer. Check "file name extensions" and voila - it registered. I could see where I'd added the .vgadget extension, and the .zip was still showing in front of it.
Windows can be pretty asinine to work with, regardless of using it for decades.... :roll:
Anyhow, thanks so much for the help and patience, guys. Looking forward to using this gadget!


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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by PsychoMedic »

I am using Aspire 10.5. When I create a fretboard, whether I select "Force Width" or not, I end up with jagged edges along the sides. The jags are still there after I preview the toolpath. The data I entered is for a Martin D-35. Am I doing something wrong? Please see the attached screen captures.

I am also not sure what the vector running in the middle of the fingerboard is supposed to do?

Thank you for putting in all this work!!
FB created.png
Fretboard Layout.png

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by StefanK »

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. It looks fine.

The jagged edges are an artifact caused by the fact that the number of points calculated cannot be infinite. Note that they fall outside the fretboard boundary and therefore if they appear and/or exist in the carving they will be cut off when the board is cut out and/or during the final sizing of the fretboard. (that is, depending on whether you let the machine cut it out, take it to your favorite saw, or during the final neck shaping after the fretboard is attached. Bottom line is the jagged edges are off the fretboard).

The vector up the middle is on the Rails and Radius layer which actually serves no purpose if the gadget generates the model for you. That layer is there to provide radius arcs, board edge vectors, and a center line vector for those who do not have Aspire (e.g.; using Vcarve) and are using another manual modeling method to create the radius on the fret board; for example, a two rail sweep or sweeping the radius along the center line.

You can certainly hide that layer if bugs you ;-) Note that all the elements are on separate layers. That is there is a layer for the fretboard, a layer for the fret lines layout (centers), a layer for the fret slots layout, a layer for the Rails and Radius (described above), and of course any other layers that existed before you ran the gadget. For me this makes them easier to manage during the CAM process and also in case you want manually modify any of the elements of the generated design apart from the others.


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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by PsychoMedic »


Thanks so much for the quick reply. This gadget is a huge help to me. I have been looking for something like this for a long time!

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by »

First of all, thank you for building this very cool/helpful gadget.

For folks trying to create the tool paths for this, here's what I did. Might be helpful to you.

I created four toolpaths.
Roughing - Roughing toolpath to rough out the rails/radius model. I used a 1/8 inch end mill. Could use a large end mill, but I want to be super careful to avoid tear out.
Finishing - Finishing toolpath to put the final touches on the rails/radius model.
Fluting - Use the fluting toolpath to cut the frets. This toolpath doesn't require joined vectors and can cut on a straight line.
Profile - Use the profile toolpath to cut the fret board out of the larger board. I do this to ensure that the fret slots align and are oriented perfectly with the edges of the fretboard.

I'm using Aspire 11.015 and it works like a charm.
Hope this helps,

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by sharkcutup »

As asked several posts ago -- The Fret Board Model is not created in V-Carve Pro.

This is what I have achieved in using the gadget in V-carve Pro ---

The User can easily achieve the radiused contour using by making use of the vectors created by the gadget and using the Moulding Toolpath.

Moulding Toolpath (Two(2) Toolpaths is opposite directions from center vector)

Vectors used - the top contour radius vector (copied and cut in half) --- Profile
- the center vector which runs the entire length of the fret board --- Rail
Create Two(2) Moulding Toolpaths (in opposite directions from the Center Vector) using the above mentioned Rail and Profile Vectors.

*** Note to Stefan --- Awesome Gadget!!!

Just Some Thoughts!!! --- Are you going to add the Toolpaths to the Gadget? Might even include the Moulding Toolpaths that are mentioned above for V-Carve Pro Users!

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by StefanK »


I've thought many times of adding toolpaths to the gadget but have not gotten a round tuit.

Using Moulding Toolpaths to create the radius in VCarve is a great idea!


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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by sharkcutup »

I have a question about this gadget ---

Why is the Fret Board created HeadStock End down? Is there a special reason or consideration for this?

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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by StefanK »

If I understand your question, there is no special reason for the direction in which the fretboard is created. It was the way I thought of it while I was doing it,

Is there some reason you think it should be otherwise?


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Re: Guitar fret board maker - Aspire 9.5

Post by sharkcutup »

Thank you Stefan.

Oh just a looking at it seemed odd due to the fact a guitar when held by neck headstock end is always upward.

Not a real problem I just highlight all vectors and rotate 180.

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