Program Defaults Aspire V12 and Sketchup

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Program Defaults Aspire V12 and Sketchup

Post by jTr »

Greetings, fellow Vectric fans!

I use Sketchup to generate all models, then import dxf's to Aspire V12 to refine and generate toolpaths. I spend 10-30 hours each week using the two in my furniture/cabinetry business. Sometimes, even more.
Unlike Sketchup, Aspire does not seem to have a very comprehensive amount of "customization". While I realize they are two different animals, I want to be sure I'm not missing something here.
What do I want to do differently?

1- Eliminate the automatic "group copies" toggle in Array Copy tool, which after the latest update, is toggling back on every time I open the program. PITA to me, as I don't seem to discover it until I'm trying to re-calculate toolpaths. Since your vectors are pulled from their original assigned layers when grouped, it fails outright, leaving me scratching my head as to what I did wrong this time. And yes, I have to go back into Vector Selector to re-assign "auto select" after I put the vectors back where they were by ungrouping.
Never did it in the last 12 years. Why is this now a default? Causes a lot of back-tracking and domino effect down the line.

2- The ability to re-assign shortcut keys. If I could have them match my Sketchup settings, it would be divine. Eternally hunting/pecking for icons is simply cumbersome. Conversely, with Sketchup, the fingers are acclimated to punching codes to call up tooling for basic operations, like drawing a line (L) or arc (A). Can't tell you how often I hit the SPACE bar, expecting to go back to the select tool, when it bounces me back to the operation I just completed, which of course, is totally random, considering it's going to bounce back to whatever tool you used last. Drives me crazy, bouncing right back to the tool I just put away. May sound petty, but sorry, it's just that, in Sketchup, hitting that spacebar is akin to a "HOME" position to clear out the last operation and get back to working the vectors, and it's cemented into my CAD brain and fingers.

3- Even more desirable: Give me the option to ALWAYS keep that Toolpaths tab visible.
Constantly waiting for it to expand/contract as it sees fit has driven me bonkers over the last 12 years of Vectric product use. So often, I need to make a quick vector correction, then recalculate, and sure enough, that dang thing slipped away again. Hover and wait. Yes, I can toggle it to stay put. Then I open a new file and get thrown right back again. Ugh. Just saying, the option to set some of these basic defaults at each launch would be extremely useful.

So - what say you? In agreement with some of these defaults being a little cumbersome, especially the recent surprise of automatically grouping items?
Am I just too jaded/spoiled by the Sketchup options and I'm asking too much here?
Am I missing some obscure menu in which some of these preferences could be adjusted now?
Perhaps I should open a new file, make all these changes, then save as a template...

I look forward to suggestions, ideas and thoughts on how others have customized their workflow preferences.


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Re: Program Defaults Aspire V12 and Sketchup

Post by adze_cnc »

jTr wrote:
Mon Dec 09, 2024 11:07 pm
Eliminate the automatic "group copies" toggle in Array Copy tool, which after the latest update, is toggling back on every time I open the program.
I suspect you have another thread here re: this. Doesn't do it for me and I suspect many others.
jTr wrote:
Mon Dec 09, 2024 11:07 pm
Eternally hunting/pecking for icons is simply cumbersome. Conversely, with Sketchup, the fingers are acclimated to punching codes to call up tooling for basic operations...
There are plenty of folks that use the keyboard as second nature in Aspire/VCarve. I expect they'd feel lost in other programs and would want to change those programs' shortcuts to match..

Me? I have no problem with the mouse and icons as there really are so few and visually they aren't too confusing. Icons are especially useful to me since there is no command-line as I am used to in Rhino 3D.

I'm constantly wanting to press Enter, instead of space, to redo the last command as in Rhino...
jTr wrote:
Mon Dec 09, 2024 11:07 pm

3- Even more desirable: Give me the option to ALWAYS keep that Toolpaths tab visible. Constantly waiting for it to expand/contract as it sees fit has driven me bonkers over the last 12 years of Vectric product use.
Some people are gluttons for punishment. My toolpath tab is constantly visible and has been since version 7. There's a simple "pin" to make it so coupled with an option (can't remember as I only set it when I get a new computer due to IT's lease policy)..

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Re: Program Defaults Aspire V12 and Sketchup

Post by MiloScott »

jTr wrote:
Mon Dec 09, 2024 11:07 pm
1- Eliminate the automatic "group copies" toggle in Array Copy tool, which after the latest update, is toggling back on every time I open the program.

2- The ability to re-assign shortcut keys.

3- Even more desirable: Give me the option to ALWAYS keep that Toolpaths tab visible.

I just looked in Aspire V12.010
"1" if the "Group Copies" box isn't checked, it doesn't group the copies.
"2" send through Vectric, Support, Contact Us - as a request for added capability
"3" 'Pin' the Toolpaths menu to keep expanded.
Top menu bar, "Edit", "Options", change the "Save...." to "Yes"

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Re: Program Defaults Aspire V12 and Sketchup

Post by Adrian »

Also why are you using DXF's to export from Sketchup? Aspire imports Sketchup files natively both in 2D and 3D depending which import mode you use in Aspire.

Your grouping issue was fixed in one of the early releases of V12, you need to upgrade to the latest version which is 12.010.

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