Trying to make some Beard & Hair combs

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Trying to make some Beard & Hair combs

Post by CrowsWW »

I need some help. I am trying to make some Beard Combs & Hair Combs.

Here is the problem. I would like to have my CNC bevel the I can save my finger tips from the disc sander.

I have tried two Rail Sweeps, Moulding tool path, Chamfer Tool path. I am at a total lost as how to do this.

I have looked on this forum, tutorials... I have been at this for about 5 hours now and I am brain dead.

So any help will be very much appreciated.
I have Aspire 12.010. I have attached the two comb files.
Hair comb.crv3d
(254.5 KiB) Downloaded 52 times
6.5 beard combo teeth.crv3d
(487 KiB) Downloaded 41 times
Troy Crow
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Re: Trying to make some Beard & Hair combs

Post by TReischl »

Are you cutting this with a laser and then basically tapering the the body so the combs get thinner near the edge?

In other words, if you look at it from the end, is it tapered?

I think the folks who use the molding toolpath a lot can help you with this to get the surface of the material tapered, and then you can cut out the comb.

If you are trying to make this like a store bought, injection molded comb, then you are going to need a model and two sided machining. Somehow I do not think that is what you are trying to do?
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Re: Trying to make some Beard & Hair combs

Post by dealguy11 »

I was wondering the same as Ted. Is it supposed to be double-sided?

As far as getting a taper, it's not too hard. You can use a number of tools to achieve it, but my go-to would be the moulding toolpath. See example attached. I've put the rail and profile into named layers so you can see them more easily. I have the taper going from .3" to .15"
Hair comb.crv3d
(312.5 KiB) Downloaded 44 times
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Re: Trying to make some Beard & Hair combs

Post by CrowsWW »

Thanks so much for the help Gentlemen.

Yes I am going to do them as two sided, but I figured if I get it right on one side I then can get the other side also.

I just love this forum! for all of the members that help everyone!
Troy Crow
Crow's Woodwork's

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Trying to make some Beard & Hair combs

Post by Bobtail Farm »


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Re: Trying to make some Beard & Hair combs

Post by sharkcutup »


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Re: Trying to make some Beard & Hair combs

Post by CrowsWW »

I totally agree
Troy Crow
Crow's Woodwork's

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