Requesting Gadgets

This forum has been created for users to submit suggestions for Gadgets
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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by Adrian »

VG&P wrote:
Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:28 am
Thanks for your reply and your suggestion. I've looked into document variables and though I can see its potential, I don't think it will streamline my process how I would want it to. Do you have any experience with making gadgets? Does my proposal sound possible? I basically want to automate what I currently do by hand.
"select tool path, edit toolpath, select tool, (tool pre-slected from list thanks to tool ID holding over), confirm selection, recalculate toolpath, repeat for all toolpaths"
I've written many gadgets including some that are on the official Vectric gadgets page. I don't do them for anyone else but myself now though as writing a program to work for other people is more time consuming than doing something that just works for yourself and I just don't have the time.

There are at least three regular gadget writers on the forum now so I'm sure one of them will be able to do something for you.

If you're doing profile cuts the method I mentioned should be just as fast as running a gadget. All you would need to do is to change the document variable and click Recalculate All.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by sharkcutup »

Couldn't you use a Job Template File with the Type of Toolpaths used that have the Latest Tool Sharpenings?

Create a .crv file as you normally would do it manually then save the file as a Job Template File. Of course Then all that would be needed is to update/change the Template File whenever a New Set of Tool Sharpenings are added to your Tool Database Library before using said Job Template File on a Project Job.

Just a Curious with a Possible Thought!

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by VG&P »

Adrian wrote:
Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:44 am
I've written many gadgets including some that are on the official Vectric gadgets page. I don't do them for anyone else but myself now though as writing a program to work for other people is more time consuming than doing something that just works for yourself and I just don't have the time.

There are at least three regular gadget writers on the forum now so I'm sure one of them will be able to do something for you.

If you're doing profile cuts the method I mentioned should be just as fast as running a gadget. All you would need to do is to change the document variable and click Recalculate All.
That's great to know, thank you :) I'm relatively new to this community. Do you know of anyone that might be able to help me?
I'm sure the methods you described would work for profiles, however I'm looking for a solution that will work on any toolpath, and preferably using the tool database as we already have processes in place that work for us.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by VG&P »

sharkcutup wrote:
Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:34 pm
Couldn't you use a Job Template File with the Type of Toolpaths used that have the Latest Tool Sharpenings?

Create a .crv file as you normally would do it manually then save the file as a Job Template File. Of course Then all that would be needed is to update/change the Template File whenever a New Set of Tool Sharpenings are added to your Tool Database Library before using said Job Template File on a Project Job.

Just a Curious with a Possible Thought!

So the problem I'm trying to resolve is when I open an existing CRV for a repeat job, the toolpaths will all have the same tool data from when the job was last programmed. I have to go into each toolpath and reselect the tool from the database that has the latest data and I'm looking for a method, preferably a gadget, that will automate that process. Making a template file is great for new projects but I don't think that will solve my problem with existing projects. I actually find having toolpath templates to be more flexible for what you're describing :)

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by adze_cnc »

VG&P wrote:
Tue Jul 16, 2024 11:59 am
a repeat job, the toolpaths will all have the same tool data from when the job was last programmed. I have to go into each toolpath and reselect the tool from the database that has the latest data
Can you give an example of “data” that might have changed in the tool database between the two runnings of the job?

There’s a great number of data in the tool database. It would help to understand the problem or provide a solution.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by Adrian »

adze_cnc wrote:
Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:13 pm
Can you give an example of “data” that might have changed in the tool database between the two runnings of the job?
From what they've posted previously it would be the tool diameter changing from having the bits sharpened.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by VG&P »

adze_cnc wrote:
Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:13 pm

Can you give an example of “data” that might have changed in the tool database between the two runnings of the job?

There’s a great number of data in the tool database. It would help to understand the problem or provide a solution.
The tool diameter primarily, though I may tweak feeds and speeds on occasion. The diameter is the crucial piece of information I'd like to have updated from the database.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by adze_cnc »

According to the gadget application programming interface (API) documentation an existing toolpath can have its name and notes directly modified.

The API says that you can get a read-only copy of the tool used in the toolpath which then can be modified by ":UpdateToolParameters()". Here's the section of the PDF file:
See Tool:UpdateToolParameters() for more details. Also call ToolpathManager:ToolpathModified() a􏰂er changing tool values.
The problem is that nowhere in the API document is the an entry for ":UpdateToolParameters()". A search in the builtin gadgets and the sample files from the gadget software developer's toolkit (SDK) shows no use of that method.

So, unless their is information available on the "UpdateToolParameters()" (if it ever was added to the API) any advancement on your idea is stymied.

Personally, I'd create a document variable for each file and use that in the toolpaths to control the toolpath allowance to allow for bits changing size. The tool would stay as the idealized size. E.g., the tool would be set to 6mm and the document variable would be modified to ideal size less current size. If current size is 5.75mm then the document variable would be set to 0.25. Then the toolpaths could be recalculated at will and the offset would take care of the bit's difference with the idealized bit.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by Fernando »

Gadget to import csv to create cutting plan for kitchen cabinets
I need a gadget that creates the cabinet parts as well as the holes and slots from a CSV table, where can I find it?

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by Adrian »

Fernando wrote:
Mon Nov 04, 2024 1:43 pm
Gadget to import csv to create cutting plan for kitchen cabinets
I need a gadget that creates the cabinet parts as well as the holes and slots from a CSV table, where can I find it?
Replied on your thread - viewtopic.php?f=52&t=44466

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