Requesting Gadgets

This forum has been created for users to submit suggestions for Gadgets
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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by jimandi5000 »

David Rice wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:52 pm
Has anyone given some thought to a gridfinity storage system gadget? primarily for making the gidfinity baseplates.

link to gridfinity site, I realize not everyone is as ocd as I am
Hello David,

I thought about it riding a gadget to create the 42 mm grid pattern. The effort to write the gadget is so much more than just laying out the grid pattern and using the V carve toolpath to create the pockets.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by sharkcutup »

jimandi5000 wrote:
Wed Apr 17, 2024 3:58 pm
David Rice wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:52 pm
Has anyone given some thought to a gridfinity storage system gadget? primarily for making the gidfinity baseplates.

link to gridfinity site, I realize not everyone is as ocd as I am
Hello David,

I thought about it riding a gadget to create the 42 mm grid pattern. The effort to write the gadget is so much more than just laying out the grid pattern and using the V carve toolpath to create the pockets.

I have looked into this gadget possibility also and I agree totally with jimandi5000 on his disposition that there is so much more involved in its creation than the simple pattern layout and its V-Carve Toolpath.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by jimwill2 »

A gadget to make tabs that compensates for the ugly grooves left on the material. I envision a gadget that adds a very slight 'bump' where the tab is going to be should do the trick. If the gadget could define and place the tabs on the bumps it would be amazing. It's much easier to sand a very slight bump than a groove.
Just an idea... I could be wrong.
Jim Williams

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by adze_cnc »

By groves do you mean something like this? I wonder if eliminating flex and chosing better speeds might be a place to start.

The gadget programming interface (API) does have the ability to tabs at specific places along curves. But if the gadget were to this they'd be automatically placed. There should be two options avaible: <n> tabs evenly spaced or as many tabs as needed spaced <x> units apart.

Breaking the curve just before and just after the tabs to add in the "dodge" to pull the bit away from the material might be challenging.

I don't quite know if the API allows for tracking pre-existing tabs along a curve. That way you could manually place the tabs precisely where you might want them then the gadget could add in the "dodges".

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by jimwill2 »

I know nothing about Lua and how the interface works in Aspire. If the gadget would let me choose where to place a bump then stick a tab on that bump, it would be very helpful. If it would let me choose where to place a bump and I was able to see the bump when I placed the tabs in Aspire, that would also be good. I don't know how easy it would be to see the bumps.

I know there are ways to minimize the grooves, but this gadget could eliminate them.
Jim Williams

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by Adrian »

jimwill2 wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:22 pm
A gadget to make tabs that compensates for the ugly grooves left on the material.

That's what the 3D option in the tabs section of the profile toolpath is for. With a standard tab the bit retracts in a stationary position, cuts the tab and then plunges on the other side. Bit deflection, less than rigid machines etc can lead to grooves where those retracts/plunges happen.

With the 3D tab option selected the bit never stops in the XY plane so you don't get the grooves

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by scottp55 »

I agree with Adrian totally.

In addition, if still some problems, playing with tab length/depth can help.
(especially on using longer, thinner tabs)....also play with(call them) Micro tabs(and add more of them).

Not sure if it still applies, but I'm still in the habit when doing multiples of toolpathing ONE item ALL the way through,
(including well placed tabs) and Then adding the multiples(as tab placement will be identical to the first).

as always,
Play with it. :)
I've learned my lesson well. You can't please everyone,so you have to please yourself

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Game Board Vector Layout Gadget

Post by sharkcutup »

What about a gadget that creates several different Game Board Vector Layouts?

A gadget which creates just the Vectors and their Associated Layers. NO Toolpaths Created! The Toolpaths would be left up to the Project Users imagination and discretion. See the Game Board Vector Layout example Below.
Screenshot 2024-06-28 131516.png
Chess Board Vector Layout and its Associated Layers

Some Game Board Vector Layouts included in the Gadget ---
Chinese Checkers
and Several More Game Board

I have this Gadget in the Works with 21 Game Board Vector Layouts so far. I am posting here to see if there is an interest by the forum members here in such a gadget.

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by adze_cnc »

It seems to me that if these are static layouts how would they be an improvement on laying it out manually and saving that as a template for re-use?

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Re: Requesting Gadgets

Post by sharkcutup »

adze_cnc wrote:
Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:01 pm
It seems to me that if these are static layouts how would they be an improvement on laying it out manually and saving that as a template for re-use?
Yes they are Static layouts. It wouldn't be an improvement in that respect but it would probably help those individuals who are either lazy or are not as adept to drawing out their own vectors. The User can then add Toolpaths to them and save them as a Template for re-use once a Satisfatory Game Board has been produced using the Vector Layout and Toolpaths.

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Gadget for updating all toolpaths in a program to the latest diameters, feeds and speeds etc in the tool library

Post by VG&P »

Nearly all my programs are for repeat jobs. All my tools have a home in my machine's carousel so my Down flute finisher will always be in position 9. I currently have to open each toolpath and manually re-assign the tool which will update its diameter to the most recent sharpening. Would a gadget be possible for updating all of these toolpaths in one go? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Gadget for updating all toolpaths in a program to the latest diameters, feeds and speeds etc in the tool library

Post by Adrian »

VG&P wrote:
Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:34 pm
Nearly all my programs are for repeat jobs. All my tools have a home in my machine's carousel so my Down flute finisher will always be in position 9. I currently have to open each toolpath and manually re-assign the tool which will update its diameter to the most recent sharpening. Would a gadget be possible for updating all of these toolpaths in one go? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can do that in a slightly different way by using document variables and using one in the allowance offset field of the profile toolpath. Then you just need to set the document variable to the offset between the diameters and press the Recalculate All button.

Not really suitable if you're doing pockets or other toolpaths though.

It's a shame that setting a document variable directly in the tool diameter doesn't work. It lets you select it but then forgets it.

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Re: Gadget for updating all toolpaths in a program to the latest diameters, feeds and speeds etc in the tool library

Post by adze_cnc »

Adrian wrote:
Mon Jul 08, 2024 1:33 pm
It lets you select it but then forgets it.
If you make it a formula is it remebered? e.g., {dia}+0.0

or: {dia}+{zero]

with a variable "zero" set to 0.0?

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Re: Gadget for updating all toolpaths in a program to the latest diameters, feeds and speeds etc in the tool library

Post by Adrian »

adze_cnc wrote:
Mon Jul 08, 2024 3:33 pm
Adrian wrote:
Mon Jul 08, 2024 1:33 pm
It lets you select it but then forgets it.
If you make it a formula is it remebered? e.g., {dia}+0.0

or: {dia}+{zero]

with a variable "zero" set to 0.0?
It just replaces it with the original value no matter what you put in there as far as I can see.

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Re: Gadget for updating all toolpaths in a program to the latest diameters, feeds and speeds etc in the tool library

Post by VG&P »

Adrian wrote:
Mon Jul 08, 2024 1:33 pm
VG&P wrote:
Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:34 pm
Nearly all my programs are for repeat jobs. All my tools have a home in my machine's carousel so my Down flute finisher will always be in position 9. I currently have to open each toolpath and manually re-assign the tool which will update its diameter to the most recent sharpening. Would a gadget be possible for updating all of these toolpaths in one go? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can do that in a slightly different way by using document variables and using one in the allowance offset field of the profile toolpath. Then you just need to set the document variable to the offset between the diameters and press the Recalculate All button.

Not really suitable if you're doing pockets or other toolpaths though.

It's a shame that setting a document variable directly in the tool diameter doesn't work. It lets you select it but then forgets it.
Thanks for your reply and your suggestion. I've looked into document variables and though I can see its potential, I don't think it will streamline my process how I would want it to. Do you have any experience with making gadgets? Does my proposal sound possible? I basically want to automate what I currently do by hand.
"select tool path, edit toolpath, select tool, (tool pre-slected from list thanks to tool ID holding over), confirm selection, recalculate toolpath, repeat for all toolpaths"

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