keyhole in 12 ????

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keyhole in 12 ????

Post by ohiolyons »

In version 12, if you use 2 vectors forming an x for the center of your keyhole entry point the gadget creates two profile vectors and duplicates the gcode and cuts the keyhole twice.


Just checked 11.5 it doesn't do it.
Just checked 10.5 it does do it.
John Lyons
CNC in Kettering, Ohio

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Re: keyhole in 12 ????

Post by Adrian »

It's not doing that for me. Could you attach a file?

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Re: keyhole in 12 ????

Post by ohiolyons »

(19.5 KiB) Downloaded 99 times

V12.005 Aspire
Keyhole Toolpath.txt
(253 Bytes) Downloaded 133 times
John Lyons
CNC in Kettering, Ohio

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Re: keyhole in 12 ????

Post by ohiolyons »

Correction v 11.5 does it too.
John Lyons
CNC in Kettering, Ohio

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Re: keyhole in 12 ????

Post by adze_cnc »

v9.5 creates "two paths":

Code: Select all

N160 G0 X0.0000 Y0.0000
N165 G0 Z0.9375
N175 G0 Z0.8000
N180 G1   Z0.3750 F12.0
N185 G1 X-1.0000   F60.0
N190 X0.0000  
N200 G0 Z0.9375
N210 G0 Z0.8000
N215 G1   Z0.3750 F12.0
N220 G1 X-1.0000   F60.0
N225 X0.0000  
N235 G0 Z0.9375
But that's precisely what I would expect it to do as we have selected two vectors therefore each vector gets it's own path. That the "centre of gravity" of each vector being the same guarantees that they will overlap:
For the v11.5 case the you mention is it possible that the X vectors were grouped together making them one logical vector?

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Re: keyhole in 12 ????

Post by Adrian »

Ok, when you said two toolpaths I was expecting to see two in the list. I forgot the gadget only ever creates one toolpath no matter how many vectors in the selection.

As said above what else should it do? You have two vectors so it will create two keyholes. I can't replicate creating one toolpath from two vectors in any version. If you group them it gives an error message.

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