Search function within Vectric Apps

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Search function within Vectric Apps

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Have you guys considered adding a clipart search function to Vectric apps and with the option to tag 3rd party cliparts?

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Re: Search function within Vectric Apps

Post by Adrian »

How would that work? It would have to link into every website that can possibly provided clipart.

Design and Make is Vectrics 3D clipart and you can search directly on there.

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Re: Search function within Vectric Apps

Post by Rcnewcomb »

Have you guys considered adding a clipart search function to Vectric apps and with the option to tag 3rd party cliparts?
I think he's talking about being able to search for "flower" in the clipart folders and it returns a list of all the clipart with a flower in it.

I understand the need since I have around 2,000 3rd party STL files that I've purchased over the years. What I do currently is create extra folders in clipart that are aligned with a specific topic and move the files there.

In the future (hopefully) we will be able to use AI image search to find the clipart we want.
- Randall Newcomb
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Re: Search function within Vectric Apps

Post by Adrian »

Ok, guess not everyone uses descriptive names on their files then. I just search in Windows.

Hard to see how a search in Vectric could do it any differently without adding in cloud AI facilities as you say. I'm sure there's already an AI app which would search a local drive like that.

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