EasyCarve is COMING SOON

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Stephanie Downing
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EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by Stephanie Downing »

Watch this space for more information on EasyCarve coming soon ๐Ÿ‘€

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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by Jimcad »

OK I'm watching. :)

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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by CrowsWW »

Me too :)
Troy Crow
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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by Leo »

ohhhh Vectric is teasing once again :D :D :D :D :D

I am watching
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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by Jimcad »

I was "hooked" when I read the "easy" part.
I am rather fond of easy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS Will it be "easy" on my wallet? :wink:

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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by Mark Jones »

I get kinda scared when they talk about it being web based. It reminds me of several software packages I have bought in the past and paid for upgrades for 20 plus years and they went web based with subscription and I haven't upgraded since then. I have a few subscription based things I pay for each year. Google Drive, Webroot, TZO.com but these programs don't author designs that I have spent many hours designing. I just pay them for a service. No problem there it's like the light bill.

Web Based experience....
Retired from a major company that had all it's training web based. What used to be fun training that we looked forward to turned into a headache to say the least. Repeated for 2 weeks each year. Sad thing is the out come was no one knew what they were being taught they were just trying to figure out the constant changing GUI by the change lings and get through the headache as fast as they could.

2 wonderful programs that I quit updating as they dropped features I wanted and went more web based and some subscription.
Filemaker used to get my 450.00 every few years for version updates. Video Director used to get 100.00 every few years for updates. Both lost out on my revenue and I use both of them weekly if not daily.

Programs that run off the web are from my past experience prone to glitch, cough, freeze and often loose what I am working on. Even these online forums will have you typing in a message and bam it's all gone! (Sometimes that is a good thing huh!)

If it works good then will look at it. But I will wait until all the bugs are worked out. GRIN!
Mark Jones

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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by garylmast »

So what's the advantages of having EasyCarve if you already have Aspire?


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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by adze_cnc »

Probably about the same advantage as purchasing VCarve to Cut3D if you already have Aspire.

My very first thoughts on seeing the above image were that it looked like a redone version of Cut3D probably with easier access to Design & Make products.

Their webpage pretty much confirms that.

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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by Jimcad »

I have Aspire so not of interest to Me.


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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by ElevationCreations »

I'm disappointed that you cannot upload your tool database to the portal and need to enter your tools manually.

You are also unable to upload your own post processor. I will need to modify the G-Code in NotePad++ for my machine.

Maybe these options will be included in a future update.

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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by TReischl »

Mark Jones wrote: โ†‘
Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:39 pm

If it works good then will look at it. But I will wait until all the bugs are worked out. GRIN!
You purport to have worked with software for years? And you wrote that? You gonna be waiting a long time. . . .
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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by TReischl »

Mark Jones wrote: โ†‘
Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:39 pm
I get kinda scared when they talk about it being web based. It reminds me of several software packages I have bought in the past and paid for upgrades for 20 plus years and they went web based with subscription and I haven't upgraded since then. I have a few subscription based things I pay for each year. Google Drive, Webroot, TZO.com but these programs don't author designs that I have spent many hours designing. I just pay them for a service. No problem there it's like the light bill.

Web Based experience....
Retired from a major company that had all it's training web based. What used to be fun training that we looked forward to turned into a headache to say the least. Repeated for 2 weeks each year. Sad thing is the out come was no one knew what they were being taught they were just trying to figure out the constant changing GUI by the change lings and get through the headache as fast as they could.

2 wonderful programs that I quit updating as they dropped features I wanted and went more web based and some subscription.
Filemaker used to get my 450.00 every few years for version updates. Video Director used to get 100.00 every few years for updates. Both lost out on my revenue and I use both of them weekly if not daily.

Programs that run off the web are from my past experience prone to glitch, cough, freeze and often loose what I am working on. Even these online forums will have you typing in a message and bam it's all gone! (Sometimes that is a good thing huh!)

If it works good then will look at it. But I will wait until all the bugs are worked out. GRIN!
Yanno Mark, you wrote a whole diaper load of stuff about things that have nothing to do whatsoever with Vectric's new product. Past experience with products not produced by Vectric are absolutely not relevant.
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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by TReischl »

In general I think subscription software is a good idea. But it also depends on how that subscription is implemented. I recently wanted to give the Adobe products a try. So I signed up for a monthly subscription. Turned out I was not really using any of the programs much, if at all. So I spent like $40 to find out they were not my cup of tea. Trial software can be ok, depends on the trial length.

When it comes to Vectric products I really do not use anywhere near all the features. I use the post processing and that is about it. I would like to see some better machining strategies, there has been nothing new in machining really, for eons. Starting to look at making a change.

Most subscription software seems to be based on what would be more or less normal update pricing. In the case of this new Vectric product, it seems to be much less than the normal upgrade pricing, for Aspire anyhow.

So, in general, I think this a good move for users and especially for those not wanting to wade through a lot of more "advanced" things about programming a cnc machine.

Update: I gave it a go. It did not last long, I got a message saying I should switch to a screen with a higher resolution. This laptop runs at 1920 X 1080. Oh well. . . . .
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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by Mark Jones »

Hum. I learned a long time ago you are right. I was President of the Computer Club went from 63 members to 367 during my time as president. 42 years going into peoples houses and business installing dialup, dsl, Uverse and lightspeed. Ran a 2 line BBS system out of my house for many years at my own expense. Was multiasking with Deskview before Windows went to 3.0. Programed with Filemaker Pro for 30 years with many many $400.00 plus upgrades (so I could keep it free for the Royal Rangers to use to track their Ranger Program in their Churches) and I am still at it. Working 42 years for the same company and the last 10 years at the largest communications company that was almost all online interacting with hundreds of online programs through the years, I would agree with you I don't know anything. I was the guy they went to to get something fixed when the last 5 couldn't figure it out. Do I know everything no. Do I make mistakes yes. Do I have field knowledge of online software.... Some of it I do. I have hosted a Website out of my house that is setting 2 feet from me right now and has had very little down time for the past 20 years. I had so many people tell me it can't be done and I just grin at them. They also know more than I do.

Here is the link to my website. Mostly Royal Ranger Events and such from the past 20 years. My records and videos go back farther than that they are just not online. At 65 years old I haven't went to wearing diapers yet but when the need arrises I will if it works for me. GRIN!
TReischl wrote: โ†‘
Fri Dec 06, 2024 7:49 pm
Mark Jones wrote: โ†‘
Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:39 pm

If it works good then will look at it. But I will wait until all the bugs are worked out. GRIN!
You purport to have worked with software for years? And you wrote that? You gonna be waiting a long time. . . .
Mark Jones

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Re: EasyCarve is COMING SOON

Post by TReischl »

Mark Jones wrote: โ†‘
Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:53 pm
Hum. I learned a long time ago you are right. I was President of the Computer Club went from 63 members to 367 during my time as president. 42 years going into peoples houses and business installing dialup, dsl, Uverse and lightspeed. Ran a 2 line BBS system out of my house for many years at my own expense. Was multiasking with Deskview before Windows went to 3.0. Programed with Filemaker Pro for 30 years with many many $400.00 plus upgrades (so I could keep it free for the Royal Rangers to use to track their Ranger Program in their Churches) and I am still at it. Working 42 years for the same company and the last 10 years at the largest communications company that was almost all online interacting with hundreds of online programs through the years, I would agree with you I don't know anything. I was the guy they went to to get something fixed when the last 5 couldn't figure it out. Do I know everything no. Do I make mistakes yes. Do I have field knowledge of online software.... Some of it I do. I have hosted a Website out of my house that is setting 2 feet from me right now and has had very little down time for the past 20 years. I had so many people tell me it can't be done and I just grin at them. They also know more than I do.

Here is the link to my website. Mostly Royal Ranger Events and such from the past 20 years. My records and videos go back farther than that they are just not online. At 65 years old I haven't went to wearing diapers yet but when the need arrises I will if it works for me. GRIN!
TReischl wrote: โ†‘
Fri Dec 06, 2024 7:49 pm
Mark Jones wrote: โ†‘
Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:39 pm

If it works good then will look at it. But I will wait until all the bugs are worked out. GRIN!
You purport to have worked with software for years? And you wrote that? You gonna be waiting a long time. . . .
That is all so wonderful. But the fact remains, you do NOT have any experience with the software Vectric is releasing. I got about ten years on you. Learned to program on a Ti 99 4a and the Commodore 64, back in the day when we wrote stuff in assembler. Built a software company on my dining room table, sold it to one of the largest machine tool companies in the world and wound up a vp of software development.

And now I will tell you this: You are not doing yourself a favor by writing negative things about online subscription software on the forum of the software you say you love. Did it ever occur to you that prospective users read these forums? Helping to limit their sales does nothing to help further the development of the software you love. Something to think about isn't it.

BTW, that website is like a trip in a time machine back to the late 80's early 90's. I have not seen that sort of thing in a long time.
"If you see a good fight, get in it." Dr. Vernon Johns

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