Laser Module

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Laser Module

Post by AdamJ »

The Laser Module is OUT NOW!

We have introduced a Laser Module that can be purchased as an add on to any of our Cut2D Desktop or Pro, VCarve Desktop or Pro, or Aspire version 10.5+ Vectric products for only US$49. This module enables you to create projects using hybrid laser and CNC machining, all within one package.

Take advantage of the same drawing, machining and layout tools you are already used to. Simply create your project, choose which parts you want to cut on your CNC and which parts you want to laser. View all elements of the finished hybrid project in your simulation.

Initially we aim to support the following machine tools (and controllers) using the most common commercially available solid-state laser diode modification kits.
  • X-Carve (GRBL)
  • Shapeoko (GRBL)
  • Ooznest (Duet2)
  • Digital Wood Carver (PlanetCNC controller)
  • Nextwave - Nextwave Laser Controller
  • OpenBuilds (GRBL)
  • Stepcraft (UCCNC)
Please see the FAQ on our website for full details of our tested & supported configurations. We will be adding other machines and controllers to this supported list over time.
Other similar machines or controllers *may* work. The trial editions will allow you to test your machine configuration before you purchase. Please note, however, that we are unable to provide support for other configurations at this time.

Download the free trial now:
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Re: Laser Module

Post by HMPrintDesign »


Any plans for Boss lasers.

Thank you,
Stephen and Wayne Hesler-Mondore
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Laser Module and Machine Setup

Post by JoelWeisbrod »

So if I create a project with 4 toolpaths and one is for the laser then it is cumbersome to set the Material setup.

For the carving tool paths I need one set of initial parameters (Z settings) and for the laser tool path I need a different set.

Also, when I save the project, it saves the last TAP setting file and this needs different post processors.

Am I missing something?

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Re: Laser Module

Post by Adrian »

You can save the laser toolpath directly from the toolpath form itself and set the post processor there.

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Re: Laser Module

Post by JoelWeisbrod »

Adrian wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:26 am
You can save the laser toolpath directly from the toolpath form itself and set the post processor there.
What about setting the Material Z settings? For CNC carving I set Z to0.5, plunge to 0.25, and home to 0.5. The Next Wave instructions say to set all three of these settings to 0.001.

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Re: Laser Module

Post by Salmon's lair »

I’m surprised there is not one for a Shopbot !

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Re: Laser Module

Post by Adrian »

JoelWeisbrod wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:54 am
Adrian wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:26 am
You can save the laser toolpath directly from the toolpath form itself and set the post processor there.
What about setting the Material Z settings? For CNC carving I set Z to0.5, plunge to 0.25, and home to 0.5. The Next Wave instructions say to set all three of these settings to 0.001.
That's been raised on another thread on the forum and it's been put on the wishlist apparently.

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Re: Laser Module

Post by Adrian »

Salmon's lair wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:18 pm
I’m surprised there is not one for a Shopbot !
Problem is there isn't really a standard for how a laser is setup on a Shopbot so what works for one won't work for another. Better in many ways that the companies that make the lasers provide the post processor so there isn't confusion.

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Re: Laser Module

Post by JoelWeisbrod »

Adrian wrote:
Tue Sep 15, 2020 10:48 am
Salmon's lair wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:18 pm
I’m surprised there is not one for a Shopbot !
Problem is there isn't really a standard for how a laser is setup on a Shopbot so what works for one won't work for another. Better in many ways that the companies that make the lasers provide the post processor so there isn't confusion.
Good luck waiting for this on NetWave machines. They don't even have detailed instructions for the machines so expecting them to produce a post processor is really pie in the sky thinking.

Thanks Adrian for your help, advice, and suggestions - I really appreciate it.

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Re: Laser Module

Post by Salmon's lair »

Adrian wrote:
Tue Sep 15, 2020 10:48 am
Salmon's lair wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 5:18 pm
I’m surprised there is not one for a Shopbot !
Problem is there isn't really a standard for how a laser is setup on a Shopbot so what works for one won't work for another. Better in many ways that the companies that make the lasers provide the post processor so there isn't confusion.

Perhaps you could explain what you mean by “Standard”

Vectric and Shopbot have had a close collaboration for more years than I can remember, long before many of the other CNC manufacturers started, I would have hoped they might have worked together with an option for the many Shopbotters, a market
of possible 10,000 Botters.


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Re: Laser Module

Post by Adrian »

What I mean is the way a laser is setup on a machine. For example I use a j-tech laser on my shopbot and there are multiple ways to connect it depending on which version of a shopbot you have, which other upgrades you have etc.

If the post processor worked out of the box for my setup it wouldn't necessarily work for any other shopbot owner with a laser unless they had chosen to configure it the same way as me.

My personal opinion is anyone who knows enough to add a 3rd party add-on to their machine, wire it all up and configure the control software is more than capable of making the simple adjustments needed to a post processor to get it working with the laser module so the fact that the module only comes with post processors for a few defined machines isn't a big problem IMO.

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Re: Laser Module

Post by JoelWeisbrod »

I figured out a way to do this for Next Wave CNC machines. A little cumbersome but otherwise it works perfectly. I am posting it here so it can help anyone else with a Next Wave CNC and a Next Wave Laser Unit.

1. Create your project in Drawing Mode
2. Save it in a unique subfolder
3. Use the proper Z Settings for your material as if there is no laser involved.
4. Create all the toolpaths needed for the carving.
5. Create the laser toolpath here just to make sure the laser etching is exactly in the correct place.
6. View all tool paths in 3-D to confirm the project look.
7. Save the project in the subfolder
8. Save all carving toolpaths (not the laser toolpath) in the same folder.
9. Save the project again with the same name but append the words "laser only".
10. Delete all toolpaths EXCEPT the laser toolpath.
11. Change the material setup to the laser settings (0.001 for all Z settings)
12. Recalculate the laser toolpath and preview it.
13. Save the "laser only" project again
14. Save the laser toolpath to the same sub-folder.
15 Copy all the toolpaths from the subfolder to your USB flash drive and run your project.

When I finish creating all the toolpaths, I rename them with the number (order to run them) and the tool part number. For example, I might have "1-Pocket - 46248K", "2-Corner Hearts - 46294K", "3-Laser Etching", etc. This way, I am never confused about the run order (Note: I use Amana Tools).

If I ever need to reload the projects, I have two project files with different material settings.

I hope this helps some Next Wave users.

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Re: Laser Module

Post by scotttarnor »

Thank You for the tips Joel !
Scott T


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Re: Laser Module

Post by BILLYP »

We have ordered a ShopBot desktop max, we have coming a jtech 7w laser, however we have to purchase the Vectric module before any of it arrives to fit it in this years budget package. How do I decipher prior to "downloading the test module" to know which module to get from Vectric. Need help please?

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