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Re: Laser module needs Z axis control added

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 2:32 am
by Mark Jones
Yes but the safe z is for raising and lowering the bit/laser when it moves from one vector to another so it doesn't hit the clamping methods. I use pretty low clamping methods with my 1/4" high toggles so the .2 most generally will clear as I set most of my work from the top of the material surface...

When I had the 3.8 watt laser the power was always at 100% and I varied the move speed a bit or slowed it down at the pendant while burning with the laser. The 20 watt will burn a hole or cut through the material at 100% power using slower speeds around 10 ipm or less. The 20 watt will still burn a pretty good line even if it's 1" above the material even at 20% power.

Re: Laser module needs Z axis control added

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 6:17 am
by sharkcutup
Mark Jones wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2024 2:32 am
Yes but the safe z is for raising and lowering the bit/laser when it moves from one vector to another so it doesn't hit the clamping methods. I use pretty low clamping methods with my 1/4" high toggles so the .2 most generally will clear as I set most of my work from the top of the material surface...

When I had the 3.8 watt laser the power was always at 100% and I varied the move speed a bit or slowed it down at the pendant while burning with the laser. The 20 watt will burn a hole or cut through the material at 100% power using slower speeds around 10 ipm or less. The 20 watt will still burn a pretty good line even if it's 1" above the material even at 20% power.
Well then Until a New Feature is added that can compensate on the Rapid Z it seems you are left with two options ---

1.) Continue with what you have been doing but remember to add the Post-A-Note to the Laptop and/or Pendant "Rapid Z Changed?"
2.) Set the Rapid Z to .2" for both (router and laser) and then find that Optimal Power Setting along with the Optimal Feed and Speed Rate for the Laser.


Re: Laser module needs Z axis control added

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 1:01 pm
by Mark Jones
Thanks for the tips. Ha. This reminds me of my bandsaw with the lever to take the tension off the blade. I saw on line where a guy put a post-it-note I think magnetic device on the power switch to remind him to set the blade tension. I did the same thing until I forgot to put it back and misplaced it GRIN! Now I just every now and then forget about it and it gets wild when I turn the machine on....

Thanksgiving Holiday had me taking a break from my shop fun. Back at it today. It's 5 am and I have a self-policing policy of not to run tools in my garage until after 8 am to keep my wife and neighbors happier. What to do.... post another video of course.

Added a quick disconnect in between existing connections to the laser last night. As often as I change from laser to router it was just a matter of time before i wore that plug connection out. Search for Dice box Part 7 for this upgrade plug. I don't have it uploaded yet.

Back on Topic. I can just get in a habit of checking that Rapid Z screen and letting it recompile all the sheets each time I do a laser toolpath I will then forget to change it back.....GRIN! or wait for a upgrade that adds that rapid Z override to the laser and etching toolpaths feature. I program in filemaker pro. Things like this is a few minutes to add in. I love Aspire and Vectric products. They are logical and easy to learn. At 65 it's good exercise for me to go back and forth between the shop and the way to look at it!

Thanks guys for sharing your ideas, opinions, methods and your projects.