JTech 14W Settings For Beginners

shaun bayliss
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Re: JTech 14W Settings For Beginners

Post by shaun bayliss »

Tex_Lawrence wrote:
Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:37 am
Those settings are fine if you're getting the results that you want. On my JTech 7W, if I move too fast then my burn lines turn into visible dotted lines. That's because the diode laser is being multiplexed. I found that I can't move any faster than 30 IPM before my result is not what I want. You just have to try to find the limits. I'm usually running from 60% to 80%, but that's using the 7 watt laser.

My focus range is purty wide; something like half an inch. I can't tell much difference in the burn line within that range. I generally worry less about focus and more about clearing clamps or other objects.
Hi Tex
I am a Shapeoko user with a Shapeoko Pro xxl, using Vcarve pro 11.554, I find it great for carving sign's and stuff. I have just purchased the JTech 7W laser with the 5 amp safety kit, and am wanting to use it with my Carving as a hybrid project (to combine the two). I have purchased the Vectric laser module so this is possible but I am unsure if the machine setting for starting up and zeroing the machine on the X and Y in the initialization programe for the machine before being able to move the machine to a datum point, to zero the axis on the X and Y before setting the laser to 1/8 inch for the laser focus. The questions i am asking, and if you could help are:
1. Will the laser work, using the laser module, as if i am using the Vectric to carve out a sign (with the X an Y setting in the Gcode saved file, without having to alter and Gcode commands like you have to in light burn.
2. Setting up a test burn tool in Vectric is there any setting that need to be changed. ie ( using the feed and speeds that you would use if I was using a cutting tool, or is this automatically done in the laser module, when selecting the laser tool and it gives you a option to set the power and the speed that you want the laser to run at.

If you could help out I would be most grateful for you support so i can get started with the laser.
Thank you Shaun Bayliss
Email Address shaunefbayliss@googlemail.com.

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Re: JTech 14W Settings For Beginners

Post by Tex_Lawrence »

Howdy, Shaun! There is a lot of info in this Laser Module area of the forum; especially in the area of post-processors and equipment offsets. Spend time here.

The main answer to your questions is, yes, the combination of the laser and the router works as designed by Vectric. I do this all the time. The reason I became proficient is because of Gary (Username: wb9tpg ). Read his posts (and mine, too. :lol: )

What Vectric doesn't do for you has to do with all the variations in equipment that folks have. The only way your equipment will work successfully with the Vectric Laser Module setup is if you accurately measure the difference between your router XY center and the laser XY center. We call this the offset.

When you get an accurate measure of this offset in XY coordinates, then you install this value (in a particular way) into the post-processor that you will use to "Save" or generate the gcode for your project. You will save different gcode for your laser toolpaths than your router toolpaths and run them as separate actions on your machine.

There's more about power settings etc., but I'm pressed for time for a few hours. More later.

Don't use Carbide3D program for your gcode sender at your machine. I use gSender by Sienci. Here's their forum.
Tex — Crooked Wood Products
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