The display end of gadgets is basically an HTML web page that you see in your browser every day. You should able to add a "title" to the input field and that will become the tooltip. For example:
<input title="Project name is a very fancy name...of course..." type="text" class="h2"
id="Project.ProjectName" size="50" maxlength="50">
Whether these can be added in the same way to check boxes or radio buttons I'm not sure. If so, you'd probably have to hover over the check box to get the tip to appear.
The display end of gadgets is basically an HTML web page that you see in your browser every day. You should able to add a "title" to the input field and that will become the tooltip. For example:
<input title="Project name is a very fancy name...of course..." type="text" class="h2"
id="Project.ProjectName" size="50" maxlength="50">
Whether these can be added in the same way to check boxes or radio buttons I'm not sure. If so, you'd probably have to hover over the check box to get the tip to appear.
Thanks Steven! I got it working. I have been trying to make a tool-tip using on hover event and JavaScript with no luck.
I have updated the code to add tool tips for the menus. Place the mouse pointer over the item label and a tool tip will be displayed just under the item label (see below).
This Version:2.0
Supports: 11.0 and up
1. Download the gadget that is attached to this post.
2. Rename it from to EasyTrayMaker.vgadget
3. In Vectric Pro or Aspire click on Gadgets -> Install Gadget and navigate to where you downloaded the file to, select it and click OK.
It should give you a pop up saying the gadget was installed and you should see EasyTrayMaker in the Gadgets menu.
Please let me know this works and I will add tool tips to the other Easy Gadgets.
Nice enhancement but I would recommend shortening them some! Example: It is understood an entry is to be made in input boxes --- omit the words "enter the" for it is not really needed.
Just a thought/opinion!!!
V-Carve Pro Tips, Gadget Tips & Videos
YouTube Channel - Sharkcutup CNC
V-Carve Pro 12.013
Nice enhancement but I would recommend shortening them some! Example: It is understood an entry is to be made in input boxes --- omit the words "enter the" for it is not really needed.
Just a thought/opinion!!!
Hi Sharkcutup, that is a good suggestion, I will get started on this. Do you want to do the early reviewing?
This is an OUTSTANDING gadget! Wish I'd know about your gadget a few days ago, I needed a drawer to mount under my workbench, and I attempted to use the box creator gadget. it didn't work very well. I have a Stepcraft M.1000, and its X axis is smaller than its Y axis. So, in Vcarve Pro, I set my job dimensions to width (X) 24 inches and height (Y) 96 inches. The box creator gadget doesn't like that - it gives me a "couldn't arrange quick enough" error. I determined that gadget will not orient the long dimension sides vertically on a job, like your gadget does.
This is an OUTSTANDING gadget! Wish I'd know about your gadget a few days ago, I needed a drawer to mount under my workbench, and I attempted to use the box creator gadget. it didn't work very well. I have a Stepcraft M.1000, and its X axis is smaller than its Y axis. So, in Vcarve Pro, I set my job dimensions to width (X) 24 inches and height (Y) 96 inches. The box creator gadget doesn't like that - it gives me a "couldn't arrange quick enough" error. I determined that gadget will not orient the long dimension sides vertically on a job, like your gadget does.
Thank you for this gadget!
Wow, you are very welcome. Please let me know if you see a need for a changes or a different gadget.
Thank you for making this gadget. I have tried to install it as you said, but I cannot change the zip file to EasyTrayMaker.vgadget, Downloads shows the file as you asked to change it to, but it just opens the file and there nothing else happens. Please help.
I do not believe there is a Version for 9.5 available unless someone on this forum who may not of upgraded their software and has a working Version of the gadget for Version 9.5. You could download and install the latest Version try it out.
V-Carve Pro Tips, Gadget Tips & Videos
YouTube Channel - Sharkcutup CNC
V-Carve Pro 12.013
I would be confident in saying: no. The version 1.0 posted at the start of this thread will only work in version 10 or above (Aspire / VCarve) so no other later version of the gadget would work in v9.5.
It would be possible (perhaps) to alter the program so that it will work in all versions from Aspire 4 and VCarve 8 to v12 for both. I have done that in my own gadgets and for some of Paul Rowntree's ones.
The only thing that would make it difficult is if Jim used commands related to sheets.