I really appreciate all the effort you put into your gadget development! I've only made 10 projects or so, but working towards re-doing my entire kitchen cabinetry thanks to you.
I've been adapting the output of this gadget to make a new bathroom vanity: it's just an extra wide base cabinet with two vertical panels to create 3 sections -- the side sections each having drawers and a set of shelves.
It would be really handy if a "Vanity" option was baked into this gadget which incorporated additional design features specific to this type of project. Thanks again for your development
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your appreciation. I have a list of 15 to 18 things people are asking to be added to the cabinet gadget. I will say that "vanities" are on the list. Currently the Base & Wall cabinet have more than 1,700 variations with all the options it currently has for the user to select from. The gadget needs a complete rewritten so the gadget only load and runs the code based on the selected cabinet style and options. Today, it loads everything at once and is getting to be a bear to debug. My plan it to separate the code an build a plug-in base design for the gadget. Based on my work load and my slow speed it may take me a year or so.
Version 18.5 Base cabinets
I'm seeing what I think are a couple issues with this version and have included my export of the settings
The profile tool path does not carry the tool into the toolpath.
The toe kick option does not create the toe kick on the panel.
Let me know if you are seeing something different.
I posted back in June about bugs that I thought I was seeing and have not seen any update. I've messed with as many settings as I can think of and still cannot get version 18.5 to make a toe kick. I assume its on my end, since no one else has mentioned anything. I've uninstalled and checked and rechecked settings to my 16.9 version and still nothing. Do you have any suggestions?
I posted back in June about bugs that I thought I was seeing and have not seen any update. I've messed with as many settings as I can think of and still cannot get version 18.5 to make a toe kick. I assume its on my end, since no one else has mentioned anything. I've uninstalled and checked and rechecked settings to my 16.9 version and still nothing. Do you have any suggestions?
The Bottom of Cabinet needs to be offset the same or just a little more for the Toe-Kick to Fit in the desired location of the Cabinet. Add a Measurement to the Bottom Offset Height Input for the Desired Size Toe-Kick. See the attached Screenshots below.
Thank You for Your Support in using the Gadgets created by jimandi gadgets!
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V-Carve Pro 12.013
I tried using it on my laptop, 16" 4K, Scale 200% and it's to small to read, I need to use Magnifier set to 300% to get it to a comfortable size. Not sure how to adjust for DPI on a gadget, but higher resolution screens are getting more common. Not important but thought you might want to know.
I tried using it on my laptop, 16" 4K, Scale 200% and it's to small to read, I need to use Magnifier set to 300% to get it to a comfortable size. Not sure how to adjust for DPI on a gadget, but higher resolution screens are getting more common. Not important but thought you might want to know.
You should be able to use the wheel mouse to increase the display size of the menus. You may need to resize the window size by grabbing the menu corner with the mouse.
hello guys! pretty new to the whole router scene but I've been a metalworker cnc operator for a while now
I just downloaded your gadget and installed it without problems, I've never done a cabinet in my life so i wanted to start with something easy, just a base cabinet, with a single shelf no drawers nothing fancy.
when I input all the data it generates the drawings but the toolpaths are broken
I have to manually delete the tool and re add it otherwise the dado comes out incomplete, like it just machines half of it. the profiles says no tool selected even though I'm selecting a tool on the interface.
I'm sure its just user error but i find myself scratching my head wondering what I'm doing wrong, i can manually redo all the toolpaths to get around it but i worry its a symptom of a larger mess up
I'm using Vcarve Pro with windows eleven and I'm working on metric if that helps