Error Helpme!

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Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:51 pm
Model of CNC Machine: Router CNC 3,4 and 5 axis

Error Helpme!

Post by Fernando »

I'm breaking my head with this code
it is giving this error and i can't solve it


Code: Select all

-- Copyright 2013 Vectric Ltd.

-- Gadgets are an entirely optional add-in to Vectric's core software products. 
-- They are provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty, and you make use of them entirely at your own risk.
-- In no event will the author(s) or Vectric Ltd. be held liable for any damages arising from their use.

-- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, 
-- including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, 
-- subject to the following restrictions:

-- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

require "strict"

--[[  ---------------- SelectVectorsOnLayer ----------------  
|   Add all the vectors on the layer to the selection
|     layer,            -- layer we are selecting vectors on
|     selection         -- selection object
|     select_closed     -- if true  select closed objects
|     select_open       -- if true  select open objects
|     select_groups     -- if true select grouped vectors (irrespective of open / closed state of member objects)
|  Return Values:
|     true if selected one or more vectors
function SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, select_closed, select_open, select_groups)
   local objects_selected = false
   local warning_displayed = false
   local pos = layer:GetHeadPosition()
      while pos ~= nil do
	     local object
         object, pos = layer:GetNext(pos)
         local contour = object:GetContour()
         if contour == nil then
            if (object.ClassName == "vcCadObjectGroup") and select_groups then
               selection:Add(object, true, true)
               objects_selected = true
               if not warning_displayed then
                  local message = "Object(s) without contour information found on layer - ignoring"
                  if not select_groups then
                     message = message .. 
                               "\r\n\r\n" .. 
                               "If layer contains grouped vectors these must be ungrouped for this script"
                  warning_displayed = true
         else  -- contour was NOT nil, test if Open or Closed
            if contour.IsOpen and select_open then
               selection:Add(object, true, true)
               objects_selected = true
            else if select_closed then
               selection:Add(object, true, true)
               objects_selected = true
   -- to avoid excessive redrawing etc  we added vectors to the selection in 'batch' mode
   -- tell selection we have now finished updating
   if objects_selected then
   return objects_selected   

--[[  ---------------- CreateLayerProfileToolpath ----------------  
|   Create an outside Profile toolpath within the program for vectors on the passed layer
|  Parameters:
|     job               -- Job we are working with
|     layer_name        -- Name of layer we will profile vectors for
|     name              -- Name for toolpath
|     start_depth       -- Start depth for toolpath below surface of material
|     cut_depth         -- cut depth for profile toolpath
|     tool_dia          -- diameter of end mill to use
|     tool_stepdown     -- stepdown for tool
|     tool_in_mm        -- true if tool size and stepdown are in mm
|  Return Values:
|     true if toolpath created OK else false

----- Percurso de Corte Canal ----

function Percurso_de_Corte_01( job, layer_name, name , start_depth, cut_depth, tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_in_mm)
   -- clear current selection
   local selection = job.Selection
   -- get layer
   local layer = job.LayerManager:FindLayerWithName(layer_name)
   if layer == nil then
      DisplayMessageBox("No layer found with name = " .. "\"" ..  layer_name .. "\"")
      return false

   -- select all closed vectors on the layer
   if not SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, true, false, true) then
      DisplayMessageBox("No closed vectors found on layer " .. "\"" .. layer_name .. "\"")
      return false
   -- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
   local tool = Tool(
                    "Esferica 10mm", 
                    Tool.BALL_NOSE       -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
   tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
   tool.ToolDia = tool_dia
   tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown
   tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 0.25
   tool.FeedRate = 2500
   tool.PlungeRate = 2500
   tool.SpindleSpeed = 18000
   tool.ToolNumber = 1
   tool.VBitAngle = 90.0                -- used for vbit only
   tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * 0.5  -- used for vbit only

   -- we will set home position and safe z relative to material block size  
   local mtl_block = MaterialBlock()  
   local mtl_box = mtl_block.MaterialBox
   local mtl_box_blc = mtl_box.BLC
   -- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
   local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
   pos_data:SetHomePosition(mtl_box_blc.x, mtl_box_blc.y, mtl_box.TRC.z + (mtl_block.Thickness * 0.2) )
   pos_data.SafeZGap = mtl_block.Thickness * 0.1
   -- Create  object used to pass profile options
   local profile_data = ProfileParameterData()
      -- start depth for toolpath
      profile_data.StartDepth = start_depth
      -- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
      profile_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
      -- direction of cut - ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION or ProfileParameterData.CONVENTIONAL_DIRECTION
      profile_data.CutDirection = ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
      -- side we machine on - ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_OUTSIDE,  ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_INSIDE or ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_ON
      profile_data.ProfileSide = ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_ON
      -- Allowance to leave on when machining
      profile_data.Allowance = 0.0
      -- true to preserve start point positions, false to reorder start points to minimise toolpath length   
      profile_data.KeepStartPoints = false
      -- true if want to create 'square' external corners on toolpath
      profile_data.CreateSquareCorners = false
      -- true to perform corner sharpening on internal corners (only with v-bits)
      profile_data.CornerSharpen = false
      -- true to use tabs (position of tabs must already have been defined on vectors)
      profile_data.UseTabs = false
      -- length for tabs if being used
      profile_data.TabLength = 5.0
      -- Thickness for tabs if being used
      profile_data.TabThickness = 1.0
      -- if true then create 3d tabs else 2d tabs
      profile_data.Use3dTabs  = true
      -- if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
      profile_data.ProjectToolpath = false
   -- Create object used to control ramping
   local ramping_data = RampingData()
      -- if true we do ramping into toolpath
      ramping_data.DoRamping = true
      -- type of ramping to perform RampingData.RAMP_LINEAR , RampingData.RAMP_ZIG_ZAG or RampingData.RAMP_SPIRAL
      ramping_data.RampType = RampingData.RAMP_LINEAR
      -- how ramp is contrained - either by angle or distance RampingData.CONSTRAIN_DISTANCE or RampingData.CONSTRAIN_ANGLE
      ramping_data.RampConstraint = RampingData.CONSTRAIN_ANGLE
      -- if we are constraining ramp by distance, distance to ramp over
      ramping_data.RampDistance = 100.0
      -- if we are contraining ramp by angle , angle to ramp in at (in degrees)
      ramping_data.RampAngle = 25.0
      -- if we are contraining ramp by angle, max distance to travel before 'zig zaging' if zig zaging
      ramping_data.RampMaxAngleDist = 15
      -- if true we restrict our ramping to lead in section of toolpath
      ramping_data.RampOnLeadIn = false
   -- Create object used to control lead in/out
   local lead_in_out_data = LeadInOutData()
      -- if true we create lead ins on profiles (not for profile on) 
      lead_in_out_data.DoLeadIn = false
      -- if true we create lead outs on profiles (not for profile on) 
      lead_in_out_data.DoLeadOut = false
      -- type of leads to create LeadInOutData.LINEAR_LEAD or LeadInOutData.CIRCULAR_LEAD
      lead_in_out_data.LeadType = LeadInOutData.CIRCULAR_LEAD
      -- length of lead to create
      lead_in_out_data.LeadLength = 10.0
      -- Angle for linear leads
      lead_in_out_data.LinearLeadAngle = 45
      -- Radius for circular arc leads
      lead_in_out_data.CirularLeadRadius = 5.0
      -- distance to 'overcut' (travel past start point) when profiling
      lead_in_out_data.OvercutDistance = 0.0

   -- Create object which can used to automatically select geometry on layers etc
   local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector() 
   -- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we dont
   local create_2d_previews = true
   -- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
   local display_warnings = true
   -- Create our toolpath

   local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
   local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreateProfilingToolpath(
   if toolpath_id  == nil  then
      DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
      return false

   return true  


---- Corte 2 ----

function Percurso_de_Corte_02( job, layer_name, name , start_depth, cut_depth, tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_in_mm)

   -- clear current selection
   local selection = job.Selection
   -- get layer
   local layer = job.LayerManager:FindLayerWithName(layer_name)
   if layer == nil then
      DisplayMessageBox("No layer found with name = " .. "\"" ..  layer_name .. "\"")
      return false

   -- select all closed vectors on the layer
   if not SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, true, false, true) then
      DisplayMessageBox("No closed vectors found on layer " .. "\"" .. layer_name .. "\"")
      return false
   -- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
   local tool = Tool(
                    "Topo Reto 6mm", 
                    Tool.END_MILL       -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
   tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
   tool.ToolDia = tool_dia
   tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown
   tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 0.25
   tool.FeedRate = 2500
   tool.PlungeRate = 2500
   tool.SpindleSpeed = 15000
   tool.ToolNumber = 1
   tool.VBitAngle = 90.0                -- used for vbit only
   tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * 0.5  -- used for vbit only

   -- we will set home position and safe z relative to material block size  
   local mtl_block = MaterialBlock()  
   local mtl_box = mtl_block.MaterialBox
   local mtl_box_blc = mtl_box.BLC
   -- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
   local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
   pos_data:SetHomePosition(mtl_box_blc.x, mtl_box_blc.y, mtl_box.TRC.z + (mtl_block.Thickness * 0.2) )
   pos_data.SafeZGap = mtl_block.Thickness * 0.1
   -- Create  object used to pass profile options
   local profile_data = ProfileParameterData()
      -- start depth for toolpath
      profile_data.StartDepth = start_depth
      -- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
      profile_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
      -- direction of cut - ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION or ProfileParameterData.CONVENTIONAL_DIRECTION
      profile_data.CutDirection = ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
      -- side we machine on - ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_OUTSIDE,  ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_INSIDE or ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_ON
      profile_data.ProfileSide = ProfileParameterData.PROFILE_OUTSIDE
      -- Allowance to leave on when machining
      profile_data.Allowance = 0.0
      -- true to preserve start point positions, false to reorder start points to minimise toolpath length   
      profile_data.KeepStartPoints = false
      -- true if want to create 'square' external corners on toolpath
      profile_data.CreateSquareCorners = false
      -- true to perform corner sharpening on internal corners (only with v-bits)
      profile_data.CornerSharpen = false
      -- true to use tabs (position of tabs must already have been defined on vectors)
      profile_data.UseTabs = false
      -- length for tabs if being used
      profile_data.TabLength = 5.0
      -- Thickness for tabs if being used
      profile_data.TabThickness = 1.0
      -- if true then create 3d tabs else 2d tabs
      profile_data.Use3dTabs  = true
      -- if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
      profile_data.ProjectToolpath = false
   -- Create object used to control ramping
   local ramping_data = RampingData()
      -- if true we do ramping into toolpath
      ramping_data.DoRamping = true
      -- type of ramping to perform RampingData.RAMP_LINEAR , RampingData.RAMP_ZIG_ZAG or RampingData.RAMP_SPIRAL
      ramping_data.RampType = RampingData.RAMP_SPIRAL
      -- how ramp is contrained - either by angle or distance RampingData.CONSTRAIN_DISTANCE or RampingData.CONSTRAIN_ANGLE
      ramping_data.RampConstraint = RampingData.CONSTRAIN_ANGLE
      -- if we are constraining ramp by distance, distance to ramp over
      ramping_data.RampDistance = 100.0
      -- if we are contraining ramp by angle , angle to ramp in at (in degrees)
      ramping_data.RampAngle = 25.0
      -- if we are contraining ramp by angle, max distance to travel before 'zig zaging' if zig zaging
      ramping_data.RampMaxAngleDist = 15
      -- if true we restrict our ramping to lead in section of toolpath
      ramping_data.RampOnLeadIn = false
   -- Create object used to control lead in/out
   local lead_in_out_data = LeadInOutData()
      -- if true we create lead ins on profiles (not for profile on) 
      lead_in_out_data.DoLeadIn = false
      -- if true we create lead outs on profiles (not for profile on) 
      lead_in_out_data.DoLeadOut = false
      -- type of leads to create LeadInOutData.LINEAR_LEAD or LeadInOutData.CIRCULAR_LEAD
      lead_in_out_data.LeadType = LeadInOutData.CIRCULAR_LEAD
      -- length of lead to create
      lead_in_out_data.LeadLength = 10.0
      -- Angle for linear leads
      lead_in_out_data.LinearLeadAngle = 45
      -- Radius for circular arc leads
      lead_in_out_data.CirularLeadRadius = 5.0
      -- distance to 'overcut' (travel past start point) when profiling
      lead_in_out_data.OvercutDistance = 0.0

   -- Create object which can used to automatically select geometry on layers etc
   local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector() 
   -- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we dont
   local create_2d_previews = true
   -- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
   local display_warnings = true
   -- Create our toolpath

   local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
   local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreateProfilingToolpath(
   if toolpath_id  == nil  then
      DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
      return false

   return true  


---- Preenchimento
 function Percurso_de_Preenchimento( job, layer_name, name , start_depth, cut_depth, tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_in_mm)

   -- clear current selection
   local selection = job.Selection
   -- get layer
   local layer = job.LayerManager:FindLayerWithName(layer_name)
   if layer == nil then
      DisplayMessageBox("No layer found with name = " .. "\"" ..  layer_name .. "\"")
      return false

   -- select all closed vectors on the layer
   if not SelectVectorsOnLayer(layer, selection, true, false, true) then
      DisplayMessageBox("No closed vectors found on layer " .. "\"" .. layer_name .. "\"")
      return false
   -- Create tool we will use to machine vectors
   local tool = Tool(
                    "Topo Reto 22mm", 
                    Tool.END_MILL       -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
   tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
   tool.ToolDia = tool_dia
   tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown
   tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 0.25
   tool.FeedRate = 2500
   tool.PlungeRate = 2500
   tool.SpindleSpeed = 15000
   tool.ToolNumber = 1
   tool.VBitAngle = 90.0                -- used for vbit only
   tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * 0.5  -- used for vbit only

   -- we will set home position and safe z relative to material block size  
   local mtl_block = MaterialBlock()  
   local mtl_box = mtl_block.MaterialBox
   local mtl_box_blc = mtl_box.BLC
   -- Create object used to set home position and safez gap above material surface
   local pos_data = ToolpathPosData()
   pos_data:SetHomePosition(mtl_box_blc.x, mtl_box_blc.y, mtl_box.TRC.z + (mtl_block.Thickness * 0.2) )
   pos_data.SafeZGap = mtl_block.Thickness * 0.1
   --- Create  object used to pass pocketing options
   local pocket_data = PocketParameterData()
      -- start depth for toolpath
      pocket_data.StartDepth = start_depth
      -- cut depth for toolpath this is depth below start depth
      profile_data.CutDepth = cut_depth
      -- direction of cut - ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION or ProfileParameterData.CONVENTIONAL_DIRECTION
      profile_data.CutDirection = ProfileParameterData.CLIMB_DIRECTION
      -- Allowance to leave on when machining
      profile_data.Allowance = 0.0
	    --> if true use raster clearance strategy , else use offset area clearance
      pocket_data.DoRasterClearance = true
      --> angle for raster if using raster clearance
      pocket_data.RasterAngle = 0
      --> type of profile pass to perform  PocketParameterData.PROFILE_NONE , PocketParameterData.PROFILE_FIRST orPocketParameterData.PROFILE_LAST
      pocket_data.ProfilePassType = PocketParameterData.PROFILE_LAST
      --> if true we ramp into pockets (always zig-zag)
      pocket_data.DoRamping = false
      -->  if ramping, distance to ramp over
      pocket_data.RampDistance = 10.0
      --> if true in Aspire, project toolpath onto composite model
      pocket_data.ProjectToolpath = false

   -- Create object which can used to automatically select geometry on layers etc
   local geometry_selector = GeometrySelector() 
   -- if this is true we create 2d toolpaths previews in 2d view, if false we dont
   local create_2d_previews = true
   -- if this is true we will display errors and warning to the user
   local display_warnings = true
   -- if we are doing two tool pocketing define tool to use for area clearance
   local area_clear_tool = false
   -- Create our toolpath
     -- we just create a tool twice as large for testing here
   area_clear_tool = Tool(
                          "Lua Clearance End Mill", 
                          Tool.END_MILL       -- BALL_NOSE, END_MILL, VBIT
   area_clear_tool.InMM = tool_in_mm
   area_clear_tool.ToolDia = tool_dia * 2
   area_clear_tool.Stepdown = tool_stepdown * 2
   area_clear_tool.Stepover = tool_dia * 2 *(tool_stepover_percent / 100)
   area_clear_tool.RateUnits = Tool.MM_SEC  -- MM_SEC, MM_MIN, METRES_MIN, INCHES_SEC, INCHES_MIN, FEET_MIN
   area_clear_tool.FeedRate = 30
   area_clear_tool.PlungeRate = 10
   area_clear_tool.SpindleSpeed = 20000
   area_clear_tool.ToolNumber = 1
   area_clear_tool.VBitAngle = 90.0                -- used for vbit only
   area_clear_tool.ClearStepover = tool_dia * 2 * (tool_stepover_percent / 100)  -- used for vbit only
   -- Create our toolpath

   local toolpath_manager = ToolpathManager()
   local toolpath_id = toolpath_manager:CreatePocketingToolpath(
   if toolpath_id  == nil  then
      DisplayMessageBox("Error creating toolpath")
     return false

   return true  


--[[  ______________________ main --------------------------------------------------  
|  Entry point for script

function main()

    -- Check we have a job loaded
    local job = VectricJob()
    if not job.Exists then
       DisplayMessageBox("No job loaded")
       return false;  
	--Percurso Canal Gordura
   local layer_name1 = "Canal"    
    local mtl_block = MaterialBlock()	
    local start_depth = 0.0
    local cut_depth = 8
    local tool_dia = 10.0
    local tool_stepdown = 2.0
    local tool_in_mm = true
    local success = Percurso_de_Corte_01(
    --Percurso Corte Final
    local layer_name2 = "Corte Final"    
    local mtl_block = MaterialBlock()	
    local start_depth = 0.0
    local cut_depth = mtl_block.Thickness +1	
    local tool_dia = 6.0
    local tool_stepdown = 2.0
    local tool_in_mm = true
    local success = Percurso_de_Corte_02(
                                              "Corte Final", 
		---- Desbaste
    local layer_name3 = "Rebaixo"  	
	local mtl_block = MaterialBlock()	
    local start_depth = 0.0
    local cut_depth = mtl_block.Thickness * 0.25
    local tool_dia = 12.0
    local tool_stepdown = 2.5
    local tool_stepover_percent = 50.0
    local tool_in_mm = true
    local success = Percurso_de_Preenchimento( job,	layer_name3,
    return success;


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Vectric Wizard
Posts: 4379
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:08 pm
Model of CNC Machine: AXYZ 4008
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Re: Error Helpme!

Post by adze_cnc »

Your fumction call contains one more parameter than your function definition (in particular the variable “tool_stepover_percent”). That percent value is being passed to the “tool_in_mm” parameter which is expecting a Boolean value).

Code: Select all

function Percurso_de_Preenchimento(job, layer_name, name, start_depth, cut_depth,
tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_in_mm)

success = Percurso_de_Preenchimento(job, layer_name3, "Rebaixo", start_depth, cut_depth,
tool_dia, tool_stepdown, tool_stepover_percent, tool_in_mm)

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