cutting a magic wand for grand daughter

Topics related to wrapped rotary machining in Aspire or VCarve Pro
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cutting a magic wand for grand daughter

Post by meadowridge »

I have a grand daughter who has been intrigued by the wizzarding world of Harry Potter. Her birthday is in a couple of weeks and she has asked for a wand like Hermoine had.

At first I thought oh that will be easy, I also have a lathe so just spin it off right? Nope the wand has a pattern on it like vines have grown along it's barrel.

Since I am not the incredibly talented Becki and Isla's birthday is in 2 weeks I considered cheating and seeing if the general design is on Thingverse. Sure enough I found an acceptable design ( ). I also found that the wand should be 10.5 inches long and looks like .4 inches diameter at the base and tapers to about .17 inch.

I followed the aspire tutorial on importing a 3d model and it looks beautiful on the computer screen.

My concern is that as long and thin as it is that the vibration of the router might work alright at first but as the cnc gets close to the end vibrations may cause the magic wand to RUD like Elons latest star ship over the Turks and Kekos islands. Has anyone tried anything this delicate and have any sage words of advice?

Thanks for an help that can be directed my way. I am leaning towards only using my CNC to carve only the part that has the vine detail and then finish the rest of my lathe,

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Re: cutting a magic wand for grand daughter

Post by Jimcad »

I think you may be right about the thin bit on the lathe.
I've never used my rotary yet but it DOES look very thin.
Saying that. .. . . . . .It's only thin when you cut it away.
If you have plenty of stock and do it in one go . . . . . it's not so spindly.
Hold the "Thin" end in the chuck & the thick end with the tailstock? ? ? ? ?


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Re: cutting a magic wand for grand daughter

Post by ira »

Hermoine had 2 different wands, the first one was easier to make and longer. This I believe is a picture of her first wand.

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