0501 DSp controller /postprocessors

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Vectric Apprentice
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0501 DSp controller /postprocessors

Post by wood400 »

Good Morning Folks. It is about 2.5/3 years since i used my cnc router. Moving house and no shed. Lately i switched the machine on and some of the key movements did not work eg the Y+ and x-. Although the home button did work so i had an old controller that i swapped out the key board and everything worked including the manual spindle switch on and off but when i inserted the usb with a small text file to try when i hit the run button it pulled the file up but when i ok it it did not switch the spindle on or start to run the file. i now have downloaded v11.5 .What is different from the previous aspire is it only seems to have 4 different post processors and the one i selected was mm. Previously i think it was a post processor called Swift or fanau mm that i run but i am not totally sure as the computer no longer works that had the older version of vectric aspire loaded to it. Can anyone help or make any suggestions
Thank s Alan :? :? :? :? :? :?

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Re: 0501 DSp controller /postprocessors

Post by Rcnewcomb »

Do you have any of your old toolpath files? If you look at them with Notepad they may show the name of the post processor used.

Code: Select all

 [05:26 PM, Friday October 25 2024]
 [MATERIAL size: 12.000" x 8.500" x 0.500"]
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- Randall Newcomb
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Vectric Apprentice
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Re: 0501 DSp controller /postprocessors

Post by wood400 »

Hi Rcnewcomb The postprocessor was the Laguna Swift Thankyou Alan :D :D :D :D

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