Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

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Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

Post by Jyuma »

I had a bit crash while running a program, it was so bad that it drove the router bit all the way through the spoil board and even moved the project board.
I immediately stopped the program but now when I turn the Longboard on, I can't even jog the machine. It says to click here to unlock, but when I click it, nothing happens. How do I unlock the Longboard after a crash?


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Re: Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

Post by Adrian »

Much better to ask non-Vectric questions on the more relevant forum (probably https://forum.sienci.com/ in this case) as everyone there will be running similar hardware and software to you whereas here it will be a very small number of users.

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Re: Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

Post by garylmast »

My machine does weird things also. If the bit gets jammed and/or breaks, the X direction stops going positive and will only move in the negative direction only. I unplug the machine from power, including unplugging the usb cable from the computer, waiting a couple of minutes before turning it back on again. After going though all that crap, it usually starts running correctly again.


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Re: Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

Post by Jyuma »

I feel very foolish.

When the router crashed, I was right next to the emergency stop button, so I pressed it to stop the machine.

Later, after I had sorted out the carnage, I completely forgot that I used the emergency stop button to stop the machine. Doh!

Maybe it's me, but how much trouble would it be for Vectric to flash a message reminding the operator to release the emergency stop button, instead of posting a useless message saying, "To Unlock the machine click Here", which does absolutely nothing.

Thanks for your patience with my stupidity.


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Re: Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

Post by FabLab Wageningen »

Don't feel too bad.

Forced by Health and Safety, we have two emergency buttons on our machine. And you bet someone once in a while leans against one - and we wonder ...

I think it's not Vectric who is making your machine software, is it ? You need to ask Scienci. And - unless the particular emergency button is controlled via that software - how would the software know ? All it might see is only a power outage.


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Re: Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

Post by Jyuma »

You are correct, the software is Gsender, not Victric. Now I feel twice as foolish. :(

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Re: Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

Post by FabLab Wageningen »


I wonder whether GSender receives sufficient feedback from the machine to detect an 'emergency button pushed' -event. In all macines in our workshop with emergency buttons, no software does that. It's plain 'no power' - and up to us to detect the cause.


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Re: Longmill 30 x 30 is locked

Post by Adrian »

Jyuma wrote:
Tue Oct 01, 2024 8:27 pm
Maybe it's me, but how much trouble would it be for Vectric to flash a message reminding the operator to release the emergency stop button, instead of posting a useless message saying, "To Unlock the machine click Here", which does absolutely nothing.
That's why I directed you to the forum for your machine. The messages you refer to are nothing to do with Vectric and are part of your control software/sender (gSender in your case).

The control software for my ShopBot will tell me if the emergency stop button has been pushed but these new generation of machines that use senders don't seem to have the necessary for that to happen.

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