What is vtranfer, is it like gsender but for vectric users

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What is vtranfer, is it like gsender but for vectric users

Post by benbrito »

I'm fairly new to the cnc world and i'm just bit confused with what some people are saying in regards to my following question,
Now i have a generic cnc machine 750mm x 750 mm and some one sugested i use the xcarve post processor, others have said just use the gcode grbl(*.tap) mm and inch. now someone has said to use vtransfer from vectric and i can't seem to find it anywhere on the vectric site. can someone clear this up for me please. thanks :lol:

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Re: What is vtranfer, is it like gsender but for vectric users

Post by Adrian »

vTransfer is an additional program that comes with VCarve/Aspire/Cut2D and you have the option to install it when you install the main software.

It is the same as gsender in that it sends the code (which is generated from the post processors you mention) to GRBL based CNC machines. It has the advantage over other senders that if it and VCarve are installed on the same PC that is connected to the CNC machine you can activate it directly from the Toolpath Save form by checking the "Direct Output" box.

You can find more details in the Help Contents on the VCarve Help menu.

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