I am with adze_cnc on this. The impression I am getting is that the Makerspace is a so-called polished version of the the TRIAL Version and as such cannot be opened on any Computer other than a Makerspace (Vectric POLISHED Trial Software Installed) computer. Just as the Original Trial Software created files cannot be opened on a Full Blown V-Carve Software or Aspire Software.
The Makerspace entity seems to be a way of creating an atmosphere of enticing its members into eventually purchasing the Full Blown Software. It is also a way of educating young people in the art of creating with such tools as 3D Printers, CNC Routers and any other tools that the Software is capable of being used for.
Close but no cigar, Shark.
There are 2 Makerspace Edition versions:
- A 'master' version, installed at the Makerspace. This is basically a full version.
- A 'client' version installed at members PC's at member's homes or private workhops. That is the 'polished' Trial version, Files of this version can only be edited at the same PC that client version is installed or at the Makerspace.
I do not think Vectric lures Makerspace members into buying the full package, but indeed uses it for popularising their software.
We are a Makerspace which started with 11.n and are now with 12.n. We will try to re-create your workflow (I think I have an 11.n Makerspace member version somewhere). If we find something we will let you know.